Monday 1 March 2010

1st Day...

It feels like the first day of the first spring today! Wonderful North Wales weather. A light breeze. Warm, clean air. The promise of summer sunshine to come.

February was a fascinating month for me! Dwarfy and I headed off to Fuerteventura and Lanzarote for some much needed winter sun. It was miraculous in its effect. Re-energized, we started on some new projects strightaway, on arriving back in a freezing UK.

The rest of the month has been immersed in beautiful music, and the spinning of both poi, and yarns....! We've been learning.....!

Monday 25 January 2010


Well, I've seen the back of 2009! A pretty nasty year, if I have to judge. I'm glad to see it gone!

I haven't spent any real time in-front of a computer-screen for several weeks, which gave me time for reflection, and thought for the new year- a precious breathing-space...!

No new-year resolutions though. Just my ongoing commitment to improve my physical and mental health, and to carry on with my practice, to harm none, and to evolve.

The new year has begun with a bang! Dramatic weather (truly beautiful mountain scenes, here in Psnowdonia!), which I've really enjoyed, and some renewed confidence. It has been wonderful to be out playing some great music with my friends Stef, and Chris. I thank them both greatly for the opportunity, and look forward to more of the same. A return to days gone by, in a way. Although, it has an air of freshness that is both surprising and welcome! That's not to say that 2010 hasn't kicked off with a few problems, but I enter it with a great deal of insight, and maybe even a little wisdom.

So, 2010 looks like it may bring some welcome balance to quite a few folks in these parts, and I'm loving it!


Wednesday 11 November 2009

Spent quite a while gazing at the brilliant display of Autumnal colours across Llyn Padarn, to the Allt Wen woods this morning.
I tend to rise at around 8am, and today began cloudless and still. The low, early-winter sun in this part of the world always inspires. It's a shame we have to pay for it with all those dark, wet days to come though.
Anyway, I cut my morning meditation short today to get out into the sunshine, only to be "time-bandited", with my attention diverted to friendly chatter in the local cafe. Still.... good mornings are becoming the norm, so no time was wasted.
Good to have my life back...........


Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sat 7th had me helping out with my good friend Miranda's birthday party, which really coincided with a house-warming of sorts!
Anyway, once again we set about creating our own little trance wonderland. Blacklights & backdrops were positioned, the sound system rigged, and delicious food prepared. Apparently, there were around two dozen invites issued. It's only a small end-terrace quarryman's cottage, with little room for more than fifteen.
Anyway, it was a lovely night. Great tunes. Great company. Almost echoing our halloween party from the previous weekend. I felt sorry for our hosts though, as quite a few of the folks who swore they'd be there, just didn't show up! In fact there were a few who seem to delight in these kinds of broken promises. It's sad, as they are missing all the fun in the process!

It'll be interesting if the trend continues. We'll certainly be keeping up the vibe regardless of any pathetic excuses, and hidden agendas!


Wednesday 4 November 2009

Halloween, and other stories...

Well, overall this October was remarkably stress-free. This was mostly down to the fact that I was taking a break from organising our usual large Samhain party. This year, the CidFloss crew decided to opt for a small-scale PsyTrance do at our favourite local pub! Strange idea- great night out! It's amazing how wonderful you can feel when you find yourself in the company of some truly lovely individuals, all entrained to a beautiful vibe! I'll never cease to be amazed by the power of such a scene, and I thank all who ventured out to y Fricsan for a dance! There will be more.....


Saturday 17 October 2009

Another week elapses, and I'm still here!
It seems that everyone here in Llanberis is down with the cold. As I wander down the high street, I'm met with a barrage of sneezes! Think I've kind of had this wee bug already. Several days of anticipation followed by 48 hours of fever, and nasal drama! Then.... gone!
Apart from that, I've been sucking the last life out of some wonderful weather! Wall to wall blue skies, and the opportunity to top up that Vit D again. Makes me so glad to live here, and not in the city. The Allt Wen woods (or the "Broccoli" as it's known in certain circles!) is transforming into an explosion of colour. I love the Autumn, and in the early evening sunlight, this is paradise!
It's a case of making the most of it, before the winter sets in. I admit to not relishing that! There's some hard work ahead, and I think, a lot of time to be spent in contemplation.


Saturday 10 October 2009


Beginning to get used to this health business. It really is strange to be free of pharmaceutical influences: oddly light; no headaches; no more dizziness. How did I put up with all that stuff for so long? I won't go into any detail on the other side-effects...!
Anyway, it's even more strange to be doing all the stuff that I just have'nt had any motivation to do, over the last few years. I'm digging into my CD collection again, riding my bike, and even tickling ions in the sky.....! And the clarity of thought.........!
I've been back in the studio too! My current projects are taking new directions though. Much more of an ambient/experimental vibe, even in the dub. Meditation's much stronger suddenly too!
So.......... kettles boiling, and I'll be satisfying my new-found taste for organic green tea.......!